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Clinical teeth whitening – is a quick professional whitening with BEYOND POLUS system. You can do this procedure for one visit. The modern whitening system is carried out at low temperatures, which prevents unpleasant sensations.  ...

Ceramic crowns  for maximal natural tooth identity. The crown helps to restore the severely damaged tooth, return it to its former shape and function, and then protect it from the caries. Used in the case of restorations, treatment of canals and implantation.  ...

Ceramic tabs  – a ceramic seal is required in cases where for a conventional seal of the tissues of the tooth is already small, and the crowns can still be avoided. The main difference between this type of seals is in the material. The ceramic is perfectly...

Ceramic veneers  – help improve the shape and color of the teeth for a beautiful and natural smile. The veneer is a thin ceramic lining that attaches to the front of the tooth. Its thickness is only 0.3-0.7 mm. Thanks to vines, a beautiful and natural smile persists...

Anti-age – Dentistry combines complex treatment of teeth and bite disorders, artistic restoration and prosthetics. Due to the correction of age-related changes in teeth, patients look younger for 10-15 years and happily smile....

Clinical teeth whitening - is a quick professional whitening with BEYOND POLUS system. You can do this procedure for one visit. The modern whitening system is carried out at low temperatures, which prevents unpleasant sensations. Anti-age - Dentistry combines complex treatment of teeth and...

Sighting image  (radioovision) has a high informative for the dentist. This type of study is carried out using a digital X-ray apparatus (radio-visualograph). Modern equipment has a very low level of radiation, therefore it is allowed for diagnostics during pregnancy and for examination of...

Computer tomography (CT) – is one of the most accurate diagnostic methods in modern dentistry. Unlike X-rays, this type of study provides a three-dimensional (3D) model in several projections, which displays complete information on the state of the teeth and maxillofacial area. Modern digital equipment allows...

A panoramic image of the teeth (orthopantomogram) – is a very important stage in diagnostics in dentistry, because it reflects the state of the entire dental-jaw system. This type of study may be designed in combination with a tooth image or computer tomography after the initial...

Sighting image (radioovision) has a high informative for the dentist. This type of study is carried out using a digital X-ray apparatus (radio-visualograph). Modern equipment has a very low level of radiation, therefore it is allowed for diagnostics during pregnancy and for examination of...