0 800 333 331


  • Clinical teeth whitening – is a quick professional whitening with BEYOND POLUS system. You can do this procedure for one visit. The modern whitening system is carried out at low temperatures, which prevents unpleasant sensations.
  • Anti-ageDentistry combines complex treatment of teeth and bite disorders, artistic restoration and prosthetics. Due to the correction of age-related .
  • Ceramic veneers help improve the shape and color of the teeth for a beautiful and natural smile.

The veneer is a thin ceramic lining that attaches to the front of the tooth. Its thickness is only 0.3-0.7 mm..

Thanks to vines, a beautiful and natural smile persists for a long time. Veneers can not be painted and do not lose their beauty over time.

Thanks to digital design, we achieve harmony of smile and features of your face.

Testing allows you to see your smile before starting treatment.

Quality ceramics provides transparency and natural tint of teeth.

In order that the veneer is not flaked, the doctor picks up the angle of his inclination for exact contact with other teeth.


  • Ceramic tabs a ceramic seal is required in cases where for a conventional seal of the tissues of the tooth is already small, and the crowns can still be avoided.

The main difference between this type of seals is in the material. The ceramic is perfectly similar to the enamel of the tooth for all its properties. This kind of fillings is a modern alternative to composite seals.

  • Ceramic crowns Ceramic crowns for maximal natural tooth identity.

The crown helps to restore the severely damaged tooth, return it to its former shape and function, and then protect it from the caries. Used in the case of restorations, treatment of canals and implantation.. 

  • Prosthesis on implants

Qualitative implantation depends on the qualifications of the doctor, the quality of the materials and technologies used.

The result of our work is the quality of your life and the beauty of a smile, so we not only use the latest high quality materials, but we also carefully prepare for the simplest implantation. All possible errors are eliminated in the beginning – at the stage of the previous simulation of the operation.

The surgeon chooses a method for setting implants (one visit or several) depending on your physiological parameters.

Due to the fact that gum can rise over the implant over the years, we submerge them together with the installation. This protects the implant from bacteria..

Before starting the procedure, the doctor goes through all stages of the virtual model. This is the safest way to handle all manipulations.

Our surgeons work according to the protocols of the international club of implantologists (ITI), which allows us to practice the work of the best surgeons in the world.

In the case when there is not enough bone to fix the implant, we use bone material, which eventually becomes its bone.

We work with extra-class systems that allow you to make implant parts for a particular client.