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Presence on the teeth of soft and rigid plaque-tartar, creates conditions for occurrence and progression of a number of oral diseases. Removal of dental plaque is often not so much a hygienic, how much the main medical measure, because it removes from the teeth and gums...

Computer technology era has long been reached with dentistry. Why in this area of medicine 3d technology develop so fast? The answer lies on the surface: dental problems have everything, but many people are accustomed to ignoring the treatment because it hurts. It is good...

A successful man goes through life with a smile, which should be dazzling, snow-white, ideal. Beautiful teeth-the key to success in any conversation: whether a simple communication with family or an important interview. It is part of the image, a visiting card of a person,...

The microscope, in modern world dentistry, took an extremely important place. Without it it is impossible to imagine a quality treatment, because, as one of the founders of the dental microscopy Harry measles: "You can only cure what you can see." Microscope for Dentistry "Leica M...